How do I set up CHARLY CHILI?
From mild to fiery - growing your own chilis at home is fun and easy with CHARLY CHILI. The set-up of our chili planter is as simple as growing. This is why we also came up with a sophisticated system for CHARLY CHILI. You get the pot in its individual parts, but the assembly is done in a few minutes.
Here you get to know everything about the quick set-up and the ongoing care of your chili plants. In a few simple steps you can also harvest your own organic chilis on your balcony, terrace or in the garden.
Time: 15 minutes Costs: EUR 39.90Things needed:
- 10L soil - 2 chili plants - fertilizerTools:
- there are no tools required for CHARLY CHILI set-upCHARLY CHILI set-up:
Step 1:Lead both irrigation wicks through the openings in the bottom of the planter.
Step 2:Place the planter onto the water tank.
Step 3:Put one aluminum tube onto the right and one onto the left short raised post in the bottom of the planter.
Step 4:First insert one connector on each tube, followed by the first frame.
Step 5:Place the other 2 tubes, 2 connectors and the second frame on top.
Schritt 1:
Fill CHARLY CHILI with approx. 10 liters of soil. We suggest to mix the soil with an organic long-term fertilizer (e.g. with our organic sheep's wool fertilizer). Step 2:
Plant two chili seedlings next to the aluminum tubes. Step 3:
Water your plants from above during the first two weeks. Also fill the water tank with approx. 4,5 liters of water. Step 4:
As soon as the roots enter the water tank, water your plant via the water tank only. Fill up regularly. Step 5:
Make sure that the shoots of the plants always grow inside the climbing frames.