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Mold or micro-roots on microgreens?
Mold or micro-roots on microgreens?
Having planted your first microgreen seeds in your HARRY HERBS, you will likely be eagerly watching their growth in the first few days. Depending on the variety, the first tiny seedlings ...
Harvesting and storing chilis correctly: it's all about timing
Harvesting and storing chilis correctly: it's all about timing
Harvesting chilis has to be learned! If you like your chilis to be very hot, do not harvest too early, but also not too late! We do not just show you how to recognize the best time for harvesting...
Potatoes as a household remedy
That´s why searched for more possible applications. Here you get to know, how the potato can be used outside the cuisine. 1) Dry hands? Potatoes instead of hand lotion. S...
5 typical mistakes when growing tomatoes
1: Wrong location Tomatoes love warmth and sunlight. Your plant should be sunlit six to seven hours per day to produce lots of fruits. Therefore, sunlight is good, but not all ...
How to overwinter strawberry plants in SISSI STRAWBERRY
Strawberries are perennial, which means that they are hardy and can easily survive the climate of our winter. With a few easy steps you can ensure, that your strawberries bear...
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