Die Tomate

The tomato

200903-GustaGarden-098_! "The tomato" - also known as pomodoro, tomaatti, pomidor, paradicsom, tomato - is a nightshade plant. This makes it closely related to the potato. Tomatoes, like cucumbers, peppers and pumpkins, are also fruit vegetables. A single tomato plant can produce an average of 2-4kg of tomatoes . This is why it is so important to support the plant's growth with a stable climbing aid.

useful information

Did you know that every German & Austrian citizen eats an average of 20kg of tomatoes every year? That eating tomatoes is supposed to prevent many diseases? Or that in addition to red tomatoes, there are also purple and black tomatoes, for example?
The tomato has only been on the plate in Germany and Austria since the 1950s. She has already had a long journey. The Maya and other indigenous peoples in Central and South America built them around 200 BC. BC. Their name at the time was “Xitomatl”.
Tomatoes are all-round health talents: their high-quality ingredients such as carotenoid lycopene strengthen the immune system and thus the health of the entire body. They also score points with their low calories and extremely delicious taste – what more could you want?

sorts Unbenannt

Supermarket tomatoes are bred industrially to be specifically optimized for retail. Unfortunately, this means they are often watery and tasteless. You will be surprised at how different and intense home-grown tomatoes can taste! With over 3,800 different types of tomatoes, it is definitely not easy to find your favorite variety to grow at home. Basically, all varieties can be grown optimally in TOM TOMATO on the balcony, terrace or in the garden. You can find out more about the different types of tomatoes here .


Sensitive to frost

Since the tomato originally comes from southern regions and is used to a Mediterranean, sun-drenched climate, the right temperatures are also very important when growing. Tomato plants should definitely not be planted outside until after the “Ice Saints” from May 15th because there is still a risk of night frost until then. To be on the safe side, you can also get your offspring used to the new environmental influences before moving them to TOM TOMATO . To do this, simply place them outside in a semi-shady, protected place for an hour at a time (as the length increases). You should initially avoid direct sunlight, otherwise you risk burns on the leaves of the delicate plants.

Planting depth

The depth at which tomato plants are planted in the soil contributes significantly to the success of the culture. By inserting it as deeply as possible into the soil, the growth of additional lateral roots is stimulated. This makes tomatoes stronger and more productive. The correct planting depth is on average 15 to 20cm and also depends on the variety being grown: low-growing varieties (bush, cocktail tomatoes) should be planted in the soil up to the height of the cotyledons. Tall-growing varieties (rod, vine and meat tomatoes) can disappear into the soil just below the first regular leaf shoot.



Before you harvest your tomatoes, lightly press the tomato peel with your finger. When tomatoes are ripe, the skin should give a little when pressed lightly with your finger - i.e. neither hard nor mushy.
This is how you harvest your tomatoes correctly: Tomato shoots have a predetermined breaking point . This is located above the base of the fruit stalk (= small, thickened bend). When harvesting, press lightly against this bend - when the tomato is ripe, the fruit stalk comes off exactly at this point and the sepals remain on the fruit. This means tomatoes last longer.


Under no circumstances should freshly harvested tomatoes be stored in the refrigerator! It is simply too cold there for the sun-drenched fruits and they quickly lose their fruity aroma. They are best stored in a dry bowl in a not too sunny place in the kitchen. It is also important to ensure that tomatoes are not stored together with other vegetables or fruits, as they cause other fruits to rot more quickly. Ripe tomatoes last about 5 days if stored properly.

Further processing

Tomatoes taste fresh as salad, bruschetta, caprese and in many other variations. If the tomato harvest was particularly successful, it is advisable to freeze some of the fruit and preserve it for a longer period of time. There are various options for this, our tip: Boil the tomatoes into a sauce so you can easily fill them into jars or freeze them. It is advisable to cook the tomatoes in small pieces and seasoned for at least 10 minutes. You should not freeze them raw, otherwise they will lose their typical aroma. You can find many delicious recipes that you can easily prepare at home with your freshly harvested tomatoes below ⬇️


for your freshly harvested tomatoes can be found here .